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Learn to Speak German - Lesson 038 - Weather

We have had a terrible thunderstorm in the last week here in Switzerland so today I will talk about the weather. The first picture shows a climber with perfect weather last sunday in the morning. The sky is blue: Perfektes Wetter mit blauem Himmel.Later we got some dark clouds, though. Es zogen dunkle Wolken auf. And in the late afternoon it started to rain and we got a thunderstorm. Am späten Nachmittag fing es an zu regnen und wir bekamen ein Gewitter. Auf dem Bild sieht man meinen Balkon und wie man sieht regnet und hagelt es fürchterlich...You can find a good weather report on the Meteo homepage.And the last picture shows the Google Earth view from the area where I went climbing with the Bergführer Markus Burch.Lucerne, 23.06.2007Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German.

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   09:03, 5.6 Мб
добавлен 23.06.07 22:30

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